Itc Trade Agreements

April 10, 2021

The Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme (JITAP), in which the three organisations provide trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) to selected LDCs and other African countries, with an emphasis on building their capacity to participate in the trading system. With regard to the provision of TRTA, there is a clear division of labour between the ITC and UNCTAD and the WTO. While the ITC focuses on trade promotion, UNCTAD and the WTO focus on trade policy and regulation. Nevertheless, the ITC has developed new expertise in specific technical aspects of trade policy and regulation in areas related to the representation of business interests and business participation in the trading system. The objective of the programme is to avoid duplication and improve complementarities through interconnection with their respective areas of expertise. The ITC is the joint cooperation agency of UNCTAD and the WTO for trade aspects of trade development. Originally established in 1964 by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the ITC has been operating since 1968 under the aegis of the GATT/WTO and before J.C., the latter speaking through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). It is the central body of the UN system for technical cooperation with developing countries and economies in transition in trade promotion and export. The series covers various aspects of international trade, including trade in goods and services; South-South trade; intra-regional trade; Trade in primary, intermediate and finished products; trade at the sectoral level. The main trade policy statistics and trends are an annual unCTAD SECRETARIAT publication.

The main purpose of this publication is to inform about the use and impact of a wide range of trade policies affecting international trade. The project makes scientists and policy makers available to the public and uses the most advanced text-as data techniques to analyze it. The series provides information on recent trade policy trends by providing up-to-date statistics on the use and medium-term evolution of different trade policy instruments.


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