Here are some of our favorite camping tools we take with us in the woods. I always appreciate it when companies make excellent products that are also ascetically appealing to my taste. This is my on going collection that has slowly grown throughout the years.
(Top to bottom Knives: No. 7 Opinel // Buck 5th Generation Skinner (154CM) // Bark River Ultra-Lite Bushcrafter with desert wood scales)
The No. 7 Opinel (the skinniest one picture above) was the knife that started my collection. It served me well on my Appalachian Trail journey until I met Emily and decided to gift it to her as her first camping knife. I was hoping to use it this season to help me bag an Elk, but seeing as that didn’t happen I’m letting Emily hold to it for me. Here’s to hoping for next year!
We usually carry the The Biber Ax and Coghlans Saw, (weighing in at 1.5 lbs and 1 lbs respectively), when we go camping in the colder months with our hot tipi– complete with a wood burning stove inside! Seriously, one of our favorite purchases. Staying warm in the winter has proven to be worth every penny we spent on that tipi!
Occasionally we leave the stoves at home and go out with the ax as our only means to cut firewood and cook around a campfire. Sitting around the campfire with friends and sharing in food and conversation is some of our favorite memories. Here’s to summer being just around the corner.
A little Ballistol keeps all that steel from rusting and the wood handles conditioned. I prefer it over other oils as it’s just mineral oil, alcohol and essential oils. Plus it’s food safe. I carry a small bottle in the field as it has many uses. It smells awesome, but Emily disagrees! hahaha